Infringement Sponsors


   (514) 273-6929

   (514) 842-1467


Join the infringement and reclaim your culture!!!
The infringement Festival is actively recruiting sponsorship in a myriad of forms: beer, food, venues and cold hard cash.

To sponsor the infringement Festival, you must pose no conflict of interest.  

This means, essentially, that you will have no say in what the groups, artists and activists involved do.   We will not, for example, kick out a group because their theatrics annoyed a critic working for a newspaper which is one of our sponsors.  

We support the artists first and foremost.

To sponsor the infringement Festival, you must be an ethical company.

We will be checking the background of any prospective sponsor for unethical labour or consumer practises.  For example, if you’re currently running a sweatshop in Indonesia, you should look elsewhere for your publicity.

That said, any company accepted for sponsorship will not only get their logo on our website and all of our publicity, but will have us vouching that they are a good, ethical company supporting artists and the community as a whole.

To sponsor the infringement Festival, please call:

                              (514) 273-6929 or (514) 842-1467

Or e-mail: