Merci Chantal


Noon - 6pm:
4062 St-Laurent

6pm to ? :
Bar Miami
3831 St-Laurent


Illustration - Chantal Basch-Terreault

Organizing Team
Sonia Cho
Louise Fessard
Natalie Grall
Donovan King
Jay Lemieux
Julie Lewis
Jason C. McLean
Gary St-Laurent

The Board: 
Melissa Ambs, 
Matt Jones, 
Eric Squire

Bored Advisor
George Mougias - 




Welcome to the 2nd annual infringement festival!

Jump in, check out the performances and join the celebrations - this is your invitation to infringe! Designed to challenge commodification of the arts and corporatization of the culture, the infringement highlights performance activism, culture jamming and les arts engages

Come join us everyday from 12-6 at infringement central Barfly for Matinee Madness, cheap beer and surprises. 

The infringement festival, as an arts democracy, is as much your festival as anyone else's. Meet the artists, see performers, celebrate, culture-jam, community build, create - join the infringement and reclaim the culture! 



Bienvenue au 2ème Festival Infringement de Montréal!

Jetez un coup d'oeil au programme, enfilez vos sandales et rejoignez la fête. Concu pour faire contre-courant à la standardisation de l'art et la commercialisation de la culture, le Festival Infringement met en lumière des prestations activistes, des trublions culturels, enfin l'art engagé sous toutes ses formes.

Venez nous rejoindre tous les jours de midi à 18h, au Barfly, notre centrale, pour Matinee Madness, de la bière pas cher et des surprises.

En tant que démocratie des arts, le Festival Infringement vous appartient. Rencontrez des artistes, allez les voir jouer, faites la fête, reconstruisez votre communauté, jouez le trublion culturel, créez - rejoignez le Festival Infringement et réclamez votre culture!





Presse 2005

from the Hour and Mirror last week:

Montreal Mirror Theatre - Stage - Sizzling Summer Outdoor theatre


Mirror This week:

Montreal Mirror Hot Summer Guide 2005 Theatre


Jason C. McLean's interview on CKUT

CKUT 90.3 FM Mp3 archives 
 Monday, June 6th  11:30am to 12:15 pm

CKUT interview.mp3 
  28:00 64kbps 12.8 MB, Local


The Gazette  Sunday June 12th 

Bill Brownstein

Article.jpg 466kb




Click to read the article

ToBe Magazine

To Be Publications Inc.




Blogging it

Montreal infringement blog

Infringing on corporate Radio - Comming soon
infringement radio

Gary St-Laurent's Blog
if radio

Searching for the existence of  corporate ethics


Pour infringement Montréal 2006, clic ici / For infringement Montreal 2006, click here