(alphabetical order/ordre alphabetique)


A&B, C&D, E&F, G&H, I&J, K&L, M&N, O&P, Q&R, S&T, U&V, W&X, Y&Z

L'ARESTOP Jean-Yves Hamel (Montréal, QC) 
Questions relating to the environment, poverty, industrialization, wealth, and liberty continuously surface in the media as citizens take . Increasingly, we find parallel art forms that play a major role in the transmission of these ideas and emotions.   www.clairobscurweb.ca/arestop-en.html

Toc Toc, On Exhibit throughout the festival



Ashtray Heart (Montréal, QC) 
A three headed rock and roll machine was born in 1999 and has been prowling the backwoods swamp of primordal rock ever since. Left handed abrasive rock, road rage music for the masses
Barfly, June 10 (9 pm)



Auresia (Montréal, QC), 
Auresia and her band deliver an urban twist on island sounds, blending roots reggae with latin flavors and sister soul. Feel the Goddess in the groove

Toc Toc, June 12 (9 pm)
$6 Gratuit pour/ Comps for: if Agents



Banane a Spleen Eric Belanger (Montréal, QC) 
Mélange de Richard Desjardins, Claude Léveillé et Thomas Fersen, venez pour les bananes a Spleen. Unique !
Nouvelle chanson Nouvelle Chanson

Pub Ciboire, le 11 juin ( 21h ) donations
Missy Bar, le lundi 13 juin ( 21h) -avec Banane a Spleen $5



   Blaise (Montréal, QC) 

Blaise D. Guillotte met en lecture ses propres oeuvres et celles des auteurs qui l'ont influencé. Souvent accompagné de musique, parce que la poésie est en elle-même une musique. Avec simplicité il se livre nu, même s'il considère la poésie comme un appel à l'autre pour l'interpeller dans sa misère.
Sablo Kafé, le jeudi 9 juin (21h)- avec Anne Marie Gelinas
Galerie Fokus, le dimanche 12 juin (21h)



Jeff Bloom's Butterflys and Zebras Jeff Bloom (San Diego, CA) 
Music & Art/musique et art

Jeff Bloom, singer songwriter & plays acoustic & electric guitar. Into Hendrix, Zepplin, sly & the Family Stone & Bob Marley …
Preformed with 3000 BC. Army of Love, MC Funk and many more!

Missy Bar, June 17 & 18 (8 pm)
$5 Gratuit Pour/ Comps for: Media, if Agents





A&B, C&D, E&F, G&H, I&J, K&L, M&N, O&P, Q&R, S&T, U&V, W&X, Y&Z

Car Stories/L'histoire des chars http://optative.net/carstories  (Montréal, QC)
Car Stories hits the streets again! Join us in our journey through the rear-view mirror and discover Montreal's urban wonderland. Three spectators per show. Performances are offered every half hour. Seating is limited, please call to reserve.

Car Stories envahit de nouveau nos rues! Montez avec nous et découvrez le "wonderland urbain" de Montréal à travers le rétroviseur. Trois passagers par spectacle. Les représentations sont offertes chaque demi-heure. Les sièges sont limités; n'oubliez pas de réserver!

SOLD OUT TILL June Thusday June 16, 
Bar Bifteck, 3702 St Laurent
(514) 968-4636 reservations/réservationa
Pay what you can 



Car Stories, the movie (Montréal, QC) 

A preview of the feature length documentary: Car stories 04. Audience members will get a sneak peakat some of the outrageous culture jamming and alternative theatre from last Summer. Include' screening of Death By Latte.


Potr:tr, June 13 & 16 ( 9 pm)
Pay what you can



The Capnoes (Montréal, QC) 
Musique/music  (with/avec Wendy Bouie)

"The local rock trio with the cartoon name reveals itself to be a tight power-harmony mob, proving crime still pays."
Mark Lepage, Montreal Gazette


Missy Bar, June 16 (8 pm)le 16 juin (20h), $5




Chariot of Shame (Montréal, QC) 

"Shame is pride's cloak."
William Blake

Barfly, June10 (9 pm)
Pay what you can



Chants de Bataille Annie Bujo (Montréal, QC) 

Accompagnee de Vincent Collard a la guitare et au piono, se veut un voyage a travers les mots, la poesie parfois plus drole, et portee par des musiques qui de tout genre

Missy Bar, le 10 vendredi 10 juin (20h)
$5 Gratuit pour/Comps for : Volunteers and artists



The Cho Show (Montréal, QC) 

Four local rock bands playing a fun show. All money raised goes to funding for specific band needs, equipment, recording studio.

Missy Bar, June 18 (5 pm)
$5 Gratuit Pour/Comps for: Media, if Agents



Conte au chapeau et pop corn Francis Pellerin (Montréal, QC) 

Un diseur rocambolesque, un poète engagé, qui vous fera partager sa folie et sa sensibilité aux travers de contes, que vous choisirez vous même au hasard dans le chapeau magique, pour un spectacle différent à chaque fois. Pop-corn gratuit, sensations itou!

Les Minots, les vendredi 10 (à 17 h) et le 17 juin, (à17h) Galerie Fokus, le samedi 18 juin (à 19h)
5$ Gratuit pour: Media & if Agents



The Cush (Burlington, VT) 

The Cush creates a beautiful, ethereal, spaced-out sound. This five-piece includes: two guitars, keyboards, drums and bass intertwined with dreamy male and female vocal harmonies.

Missy Bar, June 12 (4 pm)
$7 Gratuit Pour/ Comps for: Media, if Agents



Anna Dano Moon Wheel Album Launch (Montréal, QC) 
The show launches Anna Dano's first full-length album, The MoonWheel, at a beautifully obscure location called Le Cocoon, in the Plateau. Anna's music consists of wacky piano-playing and
singing, with political and absurdist content. Uncle Daddy, the one-man hillbilly spaz band will open the show.

Le Cocoon, - 5334 de Gaspe # 801  June 11, (9 pm)
Toc Toc, June 15 (10 pm)
$7 with CD $5 no CD
Gratuit Pour/ Comps for: Media, if Agents



Dessins à la main (Montréal, QC) 
Visual Arts

Galerie Fokus, June 9 (7 pm) & June 19 (8 pm) with Wilfredo



The Dissonants (Montréal, QC) 

Paradigm-breaking ol' school punk rock mated with a new school vibe.

Toc Toc, June 11 ( 9 pm) - with Launie Andershohn - $9
Quai des Brumes, June 12 (9 pm)- with Fall to Rise and Mistaken Heros - $7
Missy Bar, June 13 (8 pm)- with Mistaken Heros $5
Gratuit Pour/ Comps for: Media, if Agents



   Du popcorn pour les anges
(Montréal, QC) 
Spoken Word/Performance

A l'occasion de la publication de son dernier recueil de poésie " Du Pop-Corn pour les Anges ", l'auteur belge Laurent Fadanni monte sur scène en compagnie du vidéaste Pablo Bogaty et du percussionniste Joël Bourgeois pour une plongée dans un univers d'improvisation poético-trash.
Les Minots, le 18 juin ( 22h)
Free/ Gratuit





A&B, C&D, E&F, G&H, I&J, K&L, M&N, O&P, Q&R, S&T, U&V, W&X, Y&Z

E-book Virtual Launch - "Optative Theatre: A Critical Theory" by Donovan King 
Performance Literature
An experiment in Performance Literature to be announced at Montreal's 2nd annual infringement festival. There will be a launch party that is half virtualand half real for E-book "Optative Theatre: A CriticalTheory" (by Donovan King), and spect-actors will be invited to play online.

Barfly, June 9 (2 pm) - Free



The Fall of New York Der Kosmonaut (Montréal, QC)

A two-act, one-man spoken-word performance with music that deals with the loss of a city, a culture and a way of life.

Sable Kafe, June 10 (9 pm)- with Lento
Les Minots, June 11 (9 pm) - with Lento
$5 Comps for: Media, if Agents, infringement artist



Friday Night at the Movies (Montréal, QC & Calgary,AB): 
A compilation of short movies such as:
Follow the Signs & The Ritual Jay Lemieux, Going Up Josh Usheroff : A short film that explores the rules of elevator etiquette and the absurdist consequences of breaking these mores & Invisible Son Ed Lee: a young man's struggle to come to terms with his cultural heritage and sexuality. A brutally truthful letter to his immigrant parents, he gives voice to his previously unspoken thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

Bike Shop, Friday June 10 & June 17, (8 pm)
Pay what you can





A&B, C&D, E&F, G&H, I&J, K&L, M&N, O&P, Q&R, S&T, U&V, W&X, Y&Z

Anne Marie Gélinas (Montréal, QC) 

Auteur-compositeur-interprète depuis plus de 25 ans. (deux disques: Le tango de la mort & Nomades. Elle a participé à plusieurs spectacles bénéfices Elle est la co-fondatrice des Soirées Cabaret Entre le Rouge et le Noir tous les lundis soirs au Petit Medley.

Sablo Kafe, avec Blaise
 le 9 juin ( 21h)
  & le 12 juin & 1e 7 juin (21h) $ 8



Ghettonuns (Montréal, QC) 

Borne of despair and fury, the inimitable Ghettonuns continue to increase their power with every live performance. Versus MC annihilates the competition with vicious wordplay, crushing beats, and unparalleled energy.

Missy Bar, June 11 (8 pm)
Quai Des Brumes, June 14 (9 pm)
Toc Toc, June 16 (7: 30 pm)



Head & Hands presents Malajube and Schoolyard Drama #99: The One hundred Sided Die Head & Hands (Montréal, QC) 
Music & Theatre, musique et théâtre

Malajube is a four-piece playing fractured garage pop. They are enjoying a surge in popularity after the release of their debut album on local independent label Dare to Care. They turned down playing the Fringe festival to keep it real with us.
Schoolyard Drama # 99 by Jonathan Rafman with live musical accompaniment by Adam Etinson portrays the complex social and political realities of high school life. In #99 we find a group of 'geeks' engrossed in an intense game of Dungeon & Dragons and witness the power of the teenage imagination.


Wesley United Church, 3850 Royal, June 16 (7 pm)
$5 All-ages benefit show with all proceeds going to support Head and Hands.



The Hermit
Hot off their sensational performance at NXNE in T-Zero The Hermit is prepared to come out of hiding and see what Montreal is all about.


Barfly, June 16 (4 pm)




hunch (Montréal, QC) 

hunch is a beautiful tangle of words better experienced than explained. Featuring DeAnne Lyn, Peter Green, Raquel Rivera, Jack Joseph, Jay & mysterious Others.

Sable Kafe, June 11 (9 pm)





A&B, C&D, E&F, G&H, I&J, K&L, M&N, O&P, Q&R, S&T, U&V, W&X, Y&Z

Indie Theatre Times and Review Re-Launch Travesty Theatre Publications (Montréal, Quebec) Journalism/journalisme

Please refer to the Infringement Cabaret at Cabaret Cleopatra on Thurs June 16 to celebrate the relaunch of the paper at 9 pm

SVP réferez au Cabaret infringement au Café Cleopatra jeudi le 16 juin pour célébrer le re-lancement du journal



The Infringement Cabaret (Montréal, QC) 
Theatre & dance/théâtre et danse
To celebrate the relaunch of the Travesty Theatre Indie Times and Review.
The Dead Doll Dancers will perform along with the Oops Johnny Girls
And MYSTERIOUS special guests also will perform A fun and crazy cabaret.



Cabaret Cleopatra (2nd floor), Thurs June 16, 1230 boul.St.laurent. Showtime 9pm door open 8pm
$5 Comps for/gratuit pour: media, if agents




Juliet and Romeo: A Critical Look at the World's Most Famous "Luv" Story The Laugh Out Loud Zombies (Montréal, QC) 

Romeo and Juliet put their love to the test by not dying and actually having to live together. Bitterness and hilarity ensue.

Moved to June 19th Galerie Fokus    TBA



Julie and Alex do their math homework (Montréal, QC)

Do you ever wonder what happens when
2 guys, 1 girl and some abstract algebra get together? 
So do we.


Bike Shop  6029A Ave du Parc
June 13 (10 pm) - Free




A&B, C&D, E&F, G&H, I&J, K&L, M&N, O&P, Q&R, S&T, U&V, W&X, Y&Z

Isabelle Larrivée (Montréal, QC) 

Ce spectacle de chansons, construit dans une diversité de styles et d'influences musicales, propose des textes où la douleur se conjugue au grotesque et le cynisme à la naïveté. Le tout est
à la fois ludique et grave, animé en permanence par une logique des émotions.

Isabelle serai accompagnée au piano par Dominique Madisson.

Sablo Kafe, June 15 & 18 (9 pm)/le 15 & 18 juin (21h)
$10 / Media ($5), if Agents ($3), infringement Artists ($3)




Launie Andersshohn (Montréal, QC) 
Launie Anderssohn summon the ghosts of rock n' roll debauchery over to their corner for a live show consisting of some life-changing moves that would frighten the new pope into early retirement. Watch out for their upcoming summer release, The Big Awesome Vietnam Party

Toc Toc, June 11 (9 pm)/le 11 juin (21h)
$9 Gratuit Pour/Comps for: Media, if Agents




Philippe Laurin (Montréal, QC) 

Sablo Kafe, June 9 (6 pm) & June 19 (8 pm)/le 9 juin (18h) & le 19 juin (20h)
$2 Gratuit Pour/ Comps for: Media, if Agents




Lento (Montréal, QC) 
Coming from a legion of Montreal bands, going as far as Chinese Backwards and LeDogs, to perform with the Dead Dolls Cabaret at last year's Infringement. Now Lento is on his own with an acoustic guitar and songs fom the folk-noir side


Sablo Kafe, June 10 (9 pm)/le 10 juin (21h)
Les Minots, June 11 (9 pm)/le 11 juin (21h)
Missy Bar, June 15 (8 pm)
FREE/ Gratuit




Little Birdie with Andre Kirchhoff (Montréal, QC) 
Little Birdie is a Montreal based folk band combining the talents of songwriter and singer Orit Shimoni and multi-tasker side-man, Andre Kirchhoff. Their performances in venues like Barfly, Grumpy's and Sala Rossa have left audiences eager to hear what lies ahead.

Barfly, June 11 (4 pm) le 11 juin (16h)- Donations



Li'l Buck (Montréal, QC) 

To find out what Li'l Buck is about, chech out this article in soundgarden.

Barfly, June 12 (4 pm)




A&B, C&D, E&F, G&H, I&J, K&L, M&N, O&P, Q&R, S&T, U&V, W&X, Y&Z

  Matinée Madness
Join the Madness, Air conditioned, free Pool, support the cause with a frosty Boréale 

Barfly  4062 St-Laurent, (514) 284-6665,  Noon to 6pm everyday




M-1 (Montréal, QC) 
Barfly, June 19 (4 pm) 



Mistaken Heros (Montréal, QC) 
Quai Des Brumes, June 12 ( 9 pm)/le 12 juin (21h) - with/avec The Dissonants and Fall to Rise - $7
Missy Bar, June 13 (8 pm)/le 13 juin (20h) - with/avec The Dissonants - $5
Barfly, June 17 (4 pm)/le 17 juin (16h) - with/avec Fall to Rise - Donations
Gratuit Pour/ Comps for: Media, if Agent



Mother DIS-Courage The Subversive Theatre Collective (Buffalo, NY) 
A political comedy that pits the Ghost of Berthold Brecht against Britney Spears fighting over the soul of a US soldier stationed in Iraq and his mother.

WAR, June 16 (9 pm) & June 17 (6 pm)/le 16 (21h) & 17 juin (18h)
Toc Toc, June 18 & 19 (3pm)/le 18 & 19 juin (15h)
$5 Gratuit Pour/Comps for: Media, if Agents




Les nouvelles amazones Cie le singe bleu (Montréal, QC) 
Théâtre & musique/theatre & music

Une farce poético-trash. Année 2127. Les nouvelles amazones règnent en maîtresses absolues sur les Royaumes ovulés. Qui des esclaves mâles sauvera la condition masculine ? Venez jubiler ou trembler - selon le sexe - avec le spectacle de l'auteur belge Laurent Fadanni.


Toc Toc, le mercredi 15 juin (20h)/June 15th (8pm)





A&B, C&D, E&F, G&H, I&J, K&L, M&N, O&P, Q&R, S&T, U&V, W&X, Y&Z

Projet Miron (Montréal, QC) Musique/music

Le projet Miron est une formation interprétant des chansons originales composées à partir de poèmes du fameux recueil '' L'homme rapaillé '' de
Gaston Miron. Un spectacle qui célèbre la richesse de la langue française ainsi que l'importance du poète pour le Québec d'hier et d'aujourd'hui.
Missy Bar, June 9 (8 pm)/le 9 juin (20h)
$6 Comps for/gratuit pour: Media, if Agents, infringement Artists





A&B, C&D, E&F, G&H, I&J, K&L, M&N, O&P, Q&R, S&T, U&V, W&X, Y&Z


Rebelle Tranquil Pasquipaz (Montréal, QC) 
Hip-hop théâtral/theatrical Hip-Hop
Par Pasquipaz et Gatineau
Rap Théâtral d'auto-défense intellectuelle par un Rebelle Tanquille.


Quai des brumes, le jeudi 9 juin (21h)/Thursday, June 9 (9pm)
$7 Gratuit pour/ Comps for: Media, if Agents, infringement Artists






A&B, C&D, E&F, G&H, I&J, K&L, M&N, O&P, Q&R, S&T, U&V, W&X, Y&Z

SOS Humanité Landriaut and Lise Grégoire (Montréal, QC) 
C'est l'union de deux auteurs qui ont décidé voilà cinq ans d'unir leurs mots et leur voix pour dénoncer la bêtise humaine. humanité chanson contre le sommet des Amériques et tout autre forme de sommet fait par des décideurs qui n'ont qu'un but : le profit.


Toc Toc, le 14 juin (20h)/June 14 (8pm)
Missy Bar, le 19 juin (20h) June 19 (9pm)




Scratch Pad Ill Mestizo and Dynasty (Montréal, QC) 

A unique brand of homegrown hip-hop that blends fresh beats and hard-hitting rhymes with a good dose of offbeat humor.

Toc Toc, June 10 (10 pm)/le 10 juin (22h) & June 13 (9 pm)/le 13 juin (21h)
$8 Comps for/gratuit pour: Media, if Agents, infringement artist




Sebastien and the Antique Bicycles Sebastien Gauthier (Montréal, QC) 

Folk Rock Retro Post Modern Neo Classic Punk for the Masses. Simple tunes for simpletons! Catchy melodies for MCPS (musically challenged personalities synndrom).

Galerie Fokus, June 11, 16 & 18 (9 pm)/le 11, 16 & 18 juin (21h)




Shitty Bar Tour Fall To Rise (Montréal, QC) 

Quai des Brumes, June 12 (9 pm)/le 12 juin (21h) - With/avec the Dissonants and Mistaken Heros- $7
Missy Bar, June 14 (8 pm)/le 14 juin (20h) - $2
Barfly, June 17 (4 pm)/le 17 juin (16h) - With/avec Mistaken Heros - Donations
Gratuit Pour/ Comps for: Media, if Agents





Sinking Neptune Optative Theatrical Laboratories (Montréal, QC) 

Sinking Neptune, OTL's latest project is a radical dramaturgical analysis of the first play ever written in the so-called "new world"



Barfly, Dimanche, le 19 Juin, 13h, Sunday June 19, 1:00 PM


Caroline Sniter (Montréal, QC) 
Musique traditionnelle d'Europe. Une musique et des chansons colorées, puisées au cœur des villages qui vous feront voyager en Europe au son de l'accordéon et de la guitare.

Les Minots, dimanche 12 juin, 21h/Sunday, June 12th (9pm)
Sablo Kafé, jeudi 16 juin, 21 h/Thursday, June 16th (9pm)
$6- $4 pour/for if artists
Gratuit pour/ Comps for: if Agents




Solitude and Kitchen Sink Andrea Gilker (Montréal, QC) , 
A reaction to lonliness and washing dishes, and a look at the fine balance that exists between hope and chaos. Waywarddance theatre in short skits, that is highly improvised in order to be more truthful to theimmediate.




Speakervoice (Montreal, Qc) 
Hailing from four different cores, uniting to create a sound following a path into unchartered waters, some may call them blaspemous lunatics. Montreal's own alternative rock metal band with plenty of aggression and intensity.
"live for rock n roll or die trying."

Missy Bar, June 12 ( 8 pm)/le 12 juin (20h)
$3 comps for/gratuit pour if agents, artists and media




Swan Vestas' Fire show (Montréal, QC) 
Street performance/théâtre de rue

Kali & Nim's history of hedonious activities led them to discover fire play. They experiment with all possibilities and continue to push borders. They dance with a variety of fire props including fire poi and fire staff.







Trains, Planes, Death and Despair Brave New Productions (Montréal, QC) 

WAR, June 16 (6 pm) & June 17 (9 pm)/le 16 juin (18h) & le 17 juin (21h)
$9 Comps for/gratuit pour: Media, if Agents, infringement artist




Travellers of Now David Groover (Montréal, QC) 

Accoustic guitar, Bass, electronic beats. Instrumental experience involved.Lyricks mixed to the soup to share visions of travellers of today. Z for Ze Beat and Groover for ..... well you know!

Quai des Brumes, June 13 (6 pm)/le 13 juin (18h) - avec/with Banane a Spleen $5




TV-B-Gone Rental Booth Optative Theatrical Laboratories (Montréal, QC)
This summer, OTL will give infringement-goers the power to block out the monoculture whenever they want with our TV-B-Gone Rental Booth at the infringement Central.


TV-B-Gone 24 hour rental: $5 (plus $10 refundable deposit)/24h location: 5$ (plus dépot remboursable de 10$)




A&B, C&D, E&F, G&H, I&J, K&L, M&N, O&P, Q&R, S&T, U&V, W&X, Y&Z

Uncle Eddie's Guide to Art Appreciation Donald Goodes with Norman Nawrocki (Montréal, QC)
Multi-Media Reading/lecture multi-média

A multimedia monologue in which a small-time Saskatchewan farmer, in spite of himself, takes up the defence of art. Video, images and music will accompany the dramatic reading by well-known Montréal performer Norman Nawrocki.

Café Pharmacie Esperanza, June 15th (7:30 pm & 10 pm)/le 15 juin (19h30 & 20h)
the "back room, "5490 boul.St.Laurent
$5 Gratuit Pour/ Comps for: Media




Unité Théâtrale d'Interventions Loufoques (UTIL) (Montréal, QC) 
Théâtre de rue/street theatre

*Raciste, moi ?!*

Interventions théâtrales engagées de rue sur le thème du racisme.

Dans les espaces publics (rues, places, ruelles)/in public spaces (streets, places, alleys)
Gratuit/ Free




Le Vacarme de l'imaginaire Francis Halin (Montréal, QC) 

Récital de poètes chantés par Francis Halin. Char, Tzara, Giguère, Miron sont vacarmisés par l'artiste québécois. Francis Halin est connu dans le milieu de la poésie et de la chanson a Montréal; il présente son tout nouveau spectacle en première dans le cadre du Infringement


Café Sarajevo, June 14 (20h). 2080 Clark St
2$ pour les étudiants, 5$ pour les boursiers riches de 15 000$, gratuit a ceux qui le veulent





A&B, C&D, E&F, G&H, I&J, K&L, M&N, O&P, Q&R, S&T, U&V, W&X, Y&Z

Wendy Bouie Live Wendy Bouie (Montréal, QC) 
Music/musique (withavec The Capones)

Her music and lyrics poignant to women's struggles mirror her own personal growth. Wendy's musical style is all her own. She co-writes with husband Fern where the songs musical structure contributes to the overall production

Missy Bar, June 16 (8 pm)le 16 juin (20h), $5




Wilfredo Mendoza (Montréal, QC) 

Theatre Sold Out, voir horaire




A&B, C&D, E&F, G&H, I&J, K&L, M&N, O&P, Q&R, S&T, U&V, W&X, Y&Z


YZK Community présente (YZK Community) 
Arts visuel/visual arts

Lancement de la première exposition d'art visuel du YZK Community avec Sun Knudsen et Kim Bersé.


Les Minots, le 15 juin, June 15th




You'll Never Piss in this Town Again S. Bear Bergman (Cambridge, MA) 
Theatre, Théàtre

This intimate, hilarious, high-impact theater experience will give you a fifteen minute, front-row experience in the life of a gender freak - which is probably all you can stand. From award-winning transgendered theatre artist and writer S. Bear Bergman.


Milton-Parc, June 16 & 17 (9 pm) Shows every 15 minutes/ le 16 et 17 juin (21h) spéctacle chaque 15 minutes
$5 - free for transgendered/gratuit pour transgendered





The Young War Banana Bag and Bodice (New York, NY) 
Theatre, Théàtre

"The Young War" is presented as a mock panel discussion. Four theorists explore the mysteries of the "escort" and the "woo". They examine the humiliating battle between "having" a sex and "doing" the sex thing.


Toc Toc, June 9 (7 pm) & June 10 ( 5pm & 8 pm) & June 11 (3 pm & 7 pm ) & June 12 (3 pm)

le 9 juin (19h), le 10 juin (17h et 20h), le 11 juin (15h et 19h), le 12 juin (15h)

$7 Comps for/gratuit pour: Media, if Agents, infringement artist



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Compiled by Julie Lewis - Converted  by the webguy"Great work Gang"



Pour infringement Montréal 2006, clic ici / For infringement Montreal 2006, click here