If you would like to become a "friend of the infringement" you can donate using your paypal account.



The infringement Festival is preparing for its third year to be held in Monreal June 15th to 25th 2006.

To cover administrative, publicity and production costs, we are now asking generous companies and individuals to assist us through sponsorship and donations.

Sponsors can expect a highly visible presence in our print and online promotional materials and will be seen as supporting the many artists, volunteers and audience members that take part in the festival each year.

The Infringement Festival will only accept ethical sponsors that do not pose a conflict-of-interest to the artists and festival-goers.

Likewise, the festival will highlight the ethicality of well-run local companies to a socially aware public.

Sponsors of the festival will benefit the entire progressive arts community of Montréal.

Minor sponsors of the festival (up to $1000*) receive a place in the festival program and on the website.

Medium sponsors ($1000-$3000*) are put on the main festival posters, the festival website in prominent placement, and receive a full-page in the program.

Major sponsors ($3000 and over*) are put on all festival posters and fliers, receive prominent placement on the web, and receive unique prominent placement in the program.

*Or equivalent value of product donation.

International Media Culture Jamming Sponsors