Médias au sujet du festival et de certaines “infringeurs” en particulier déja publié cette année…
Buffalo News. “Keeping Fringe from Unravelling“. Colin Dabkowski. September 2, 2012.
FringeReviews. Audio interview with Donovan King. Edinburgh, Scotland. August 18, 2012.
New York Times. “Where the Fringe, the Post-Fringe and the Anti-Fringe Gather”. Steve C McElroy. August 26, 2012.
OTL Blog. Six Infringement Reports from the World Fringe Congress. Donovan King. August 10 – 23, 2012.
The Gusto Blog. “Day 7: An Infringement Diary” (video interview with Donovan King). Colin Dabkowski. August 2, 2012.
OTL Blog. Off the hook: 8th Buffalo infringement festival the most amazing yet!. Donovan King. August, 2012.
Buffalo News. “Infringement Festival: Big, bold, and yes, bizarre.” Colin Dabkowski. July 20, 2012.
Forget the Box. Those Who Play Together: Montreal Infringement’s Closing Weekend (part 2) Jason C. McLean. July 5th, 2012.
Forget the Box. A Different Kind of Rockin’: Montreal Infringement’s Closing Weekend (Thursday & Friday) by Jason C. McLean. June 28, 2012.
The Truther Girls. I’ve Been in TherapyTruther Girl Sonia. June 26, 2012.
Forget the Box. Montreal Infringers beat the heat by redefining “cool†Tariq Jeeroburkhan. June 22, 2012.
OTL Blog. “Festival Wars: 2012 Montreal infringement festival in context”. June 22.
Montreal Gazette. “Infringement Festival: On the Main, a fun way to protestâ€. Bill Brownstein. June 20, 2012.
Forget the Box. Rediscovering Culture: Montreal Infringement’s Opening Weekend. From Revolutionary Choirs to Rock to Ghosts on the Mountain. Jason C. McLean. June 19, 2012.
Youtube. “Chorale du Peuple Open the 2012 Infringement Festival” IFVideo. June 18, 2012.
CKUT. CKUT Friday Morning After: Infringement Festival Interview with Donovan King. June 15, 2012. (first hour)
Forget the Box. “Are You Ready For The Montreal Infringement Festival?†by Grace Mitchell. June 14, 2012.
Montreal Mirror. “Sun fun: From a world of beer to the reggae fest to a fetish weekend, here’s everything to do while it’s hotâ€. By Emily Raine.
Maisonneuve Magazine. “The Fringe Fest Goes Mainstream: The Antagonistâ€. By Marianne Ackerman. May 29, 2012.
The Link.“99 Per Cent Drama: Occupy Movement Takes the Stage With Activist Theatre”.
by Erika Heales. March 27, 2012.De l’année dernière(2011):
Tales from the Fringe border, or Why can’t we all just work together? par Jason C. McLean, July 6th, 2011
Infringement Part 3: The End is Near par Brian Keegan, Forget the Box, July 3, 2011
Infringement Therapy puts the Actor back in Spectator par Laura Freitag, The Rover, July 1, 2011
Friday Morning After – Infringement Festival” title=”CKUT 90.3 FM Friday Morning After: Infringement Festival” target=”_blank”>CKUT 90.3 FM Friday Morning After: Infringement FestivalMP3 format, right-click and “save as”), CKUT 90.3FM, June 23rd, 2001
Fringe Festival censors artists and blocks random people from entering a public park (video) par JC, OTL Blog, June 23rd, 2011
Infringement Part 2: Culture, Chaos and Calamity par Brian Keegan, Forget The Box, June 25, 2011
This festival keeps artists on the edge par Bill Brownstein, Montreal Gazette, le 22 juin, 2011
Sin City, QC par Shawn Katz, The Rover, le 21 juin, 2011
The Queen Has Arrived par Mike Lake, The Rover, June 19, 2011
Montreal Infringement Festival: Picnics, Pigs and Pints par Brian Keegan, Forget The Box, le 18 juin, 2011
Infringement Therapy for the Activist Festivalgoer par Mike Lake, The Rover, le 17 juin 2011
An infringement virgin’s cherry popping par Brian Keegan, Forget The Box, le 16 juin, 2011
Wednesday Morning After entrevue avec Donovan King (format MP3, clic a droigt, and “enregistrer sous”), CKUT 90.3FM, June 15, 2011.
Sizzle season: All the sun, fun and fests you need, courtesy of the Mirror’s Hot Summer Guide par Liz Faure, Montreal Mirror, le 9 juin, 2011
OTL offers seven infringement festival projects! par Donovan King, Optative Theatrical Laboratories Blog, le 9 juin, 2011.
Adbusters inaugurated, par Elisabeth Faure, Montreal Mirror, le 26 mai, 2011
Stop Being Sedated by Society: The Montreal Infringement Launch Party par Cassie Doubleday, Forget The Box, le 12 mai 2011
Jane’s Walks an urban trip down memory lane par Mike Boone, Montreal Gazette, le 5 mai, 2011
Summer Fest par The Concordian, le 5 avril 2011
Infringement season is upon us! Collaborators welcome par Donovan King, OTL BLog, le 8 fevrier, 2011 (mis-a-jour)