June 16 juin

Jackie van de Geer

La Reine des sacs-papiers vous montre la Liste des Choses dans cette comédie!
Elle parle des lois, la réligion, la politique et les auters facons de vivre dans cette pays formidable.
Venez et transformez-vous dans ce spectacle interactive!

16/17/18 juin, 20h00
La Barraque
928 Rue sainte Catherine est
Dons( metro Berri)

Michael Michael




le 16 juin, 22h00

Barfly – 4062 Saint Laurent

don suggéré $5 

Picnics in Awkward Spaces – Opening Picnic

Désolé cette page n’est pas encore disponible en français

Existing in space and living in it (moving, socializing) is the primal defining attribute of living beings.  Space, and how we define it, decorate it is defines our society.

Such society today forces us into pre-defined, boxed-in and regulated movements and activities. Hours of operation, property, endless lawns, deforestation, golf courses, shopping malls, curfews, and the basic landscape of city architectures (from buildings to benches) define our territoriality.
Human beings now find ourselves in the awkward position of living where we are not welcome, do not belong; the ‘apartheid’ of polluted environments, unkempt (or overkempt) spaces,commercial dominance, sanitization, devastated spaces and industrial wastelands at once define us and oppress us. Thus, in the we are doing what is natural:  Having our picnics in awkward spaces!  Welcome to the infringement picnic area.

le 16 juin
Coin de  Saint-Laurent & Guilbault
17h00, apportez la nourriture pour partager 


Stretch with Guests

Désolé cette page n’est pas encore disponible en français

Hip Hop performance featuring a variety of performers.

June 16th
Barfly – 4062 Saint-Laurent


Talk/Sing Skeleton

Désole mais cette page n’est pas disponible en francais.

From the coldest depths of a Montreal winter was forged a band composed of a most varied musical background: Talk/Sing Skeleton! An infant of not even a year old, yet growing in style and assurance, the seven member ensemble brings to the listener a fine blend of folk and gypsy grooves, with lyrics in French and English that are sure to make one ponder the outer reaches of the human psyche, melodies of both a sorrowful and colourful nature, and rhythms to sway slowly or dance without worry to. Simple but complex, organized yet chaotic and at times wonderfully unexpected, Talk/Sing Skeleton looks forward to seeing you on the dance floor at this year’s infringement festival and beyond!

le 16 juin, 22h00

Les yeux oranges

La Barraque
928 St. Catherine East
June 16/17/18 at 9 pm

Femme de chien

Femme de chien vous invitez d’entrer dans un monde dada-esque et bizarre! La seul question est: ou est caché l’amour dans notre univers?

La Barraque
928 St. Catherine Est
le 16/17 et 18 juin à 21h00

Luis Flores

16 juin, 17h00



le 16 juin, 17h00