June 23 juin


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Autoverse, officially formed in August 2008, is a mix of post no-age indie sounds. Hailing from Western New York, their recent release, Decency in Kind, has a science fiction tinge in its look at society’s lack of acceptance, or decency. The desire for escape is not as real as the message though, even in its irony.

June 23, 9pm

Chris Danger and the Heroine Hayride

le 23 juin, 21h00

Josef Mieto

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Josef Mieto is a singer song writer from Ottawa, Ontario. Showcasing an eclectic mix of indie, folk, blues, country and rock. Laced with thought provoking lyrics and organic melodies.

June 23, 9pm

Julie Barbeau et Luiza Cocora: Frog Loves Christy

Frog: Une femme biologiquement, mais elle vit comme un homme. Christy: Une femm, la demi-soeur de Frog. Elles s’aiment…mais comment?

Suivre sur Twitter! @lajuliebarbeau 15 minutes avant la spectacle pour la lieu exact.
dimanche, le 17 juin, 14h00-19h00
mercredi, le 20 juin, 18h0021h00
jeudi, le 21 juin, 19h30-21h00
Samedi, le 23 juin, 15h00-19h00

King & Candyass Red Light Walking Tour

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As the wrecking ball demolishes the Lower Main National Historic Site, join this Jane’s Walk, originally created by Velma Candyass and Donovan King, veterans of the struggle to save the Café Cleopatra. A colorful tour of the Red Light that will reveal many secrets! Since the glory days of Nouvelle-France, through the period of Prohibition to the 21st century, this walk explores the “infamous” Red Light District and highlights government attempts to eradicate the neighbourhood, including the most current controversies.

Starts at le Midway, 1219 Saint Laurent
Saturday March 23, 2pm