June 25 juin

All Tales Tall

All Tales Tall, a project of Brooklyn-based singer & songwriter Jason Fleitz, got off the ground in early 2010. All Tales Tall  focuses on the lost art of storytelling, bringing a love of narrative and character to America’s already deep-rooted love affair with popular music. All Tales Tall Steven Ferrara on bass and Ted Pallas playing percussion.


In English, Friday, June 25th w/Blood Ballet Cabaret, Sunshine, Psyn Langwage and more at Barfly, 4062A boul St-Laurent, show starts at 9pm, PAY-WHAT-YOU-CAN

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Blood Ballet Cabaret

photo: Scott Alexander

Got too many teeth? Care to have one knocked out by a sexy dame in red stilettos? Blood Ballet Cabaret can help. Fueled by bourbon,leather and lust the Burlesque dancers of Blood Ballet are the spiciest hell kittens to crawl out Satan’s grip. Teamed with short comedy skits born from the minds of Montreal’s most deranged creatures of the night it’s fun for the whole fucked up family.

In English, Friday, June 25th w/Sunshine, All Tales Tall, Psyn Langwage and more, show starts at 8pm at Barfly, 4062A boul St. Laurent, PAY-WHAT-YOU-CAN

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KLLOCHAR, c’est une jeune femme morte qui chuchote à nos oreilles; c’est aussi un mot en albanais qui veut dire  « loser ou perdant ». Kllochar, c’est la révolution de trois gars qui ne veulent pas tourner en rond; c’est aussi la franchise de dire c’qu’ils pensent tout bas. C’est une île en Crystal où les courants d’air sont gratuits mais aussi, Kllochar, c’est d’la musique qui passe par le 4 pour revenir au 1 (voir la charte des accords du livre : Comment signer un pacte avec le diable dans le domaine de l’idole, chapitre 3 : la musique). Dans l’fond, Kllochar c’est Mathieu aux cris et à la guitare, Frank à la basse et aux arrangements et Alex au charleston et à la grosse caisse.

For more: www.myspace.com/mathieuboudreau

In French, Friday, June 25th w/Marianne at Bistro Mousse Cafe, 2522 rue Beaubien Est, show starts at 9pm, donations

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Literacy is the story of a young Russian immigrant told in letters and text-messages sent by the main protagonist to her most intimate friends, since the departure from her home country. Using epistolary genre the performance creates the space of intimate communication where personal changes are documented and deepest anxieties are revealed. The project searches for the ways of transgressing the limits of public enunciation and returning to the free circulation of intimate expression based on unity, continuity and enchantment of emotional experiences.

Click here for some videos by Tatiana Koroleva

In English, June 25th at , Time TBA, suggested donation $5

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Il est merveilleux de constater l’immensité et l’incroyable force qui régit tout ce qui est. Mais surtout, c’est encore plus fou de voir toute cette magie au quotidien qui trottine sur un trottoir, qui se balance au gré du vent ou qui tombe simplement de nulle part. Je m’appelle Marianne… et je chante ces grandes petites choses.

For more: www.myspace.com/theladylusion

In French,Friday, June 25th w/Kllochar at Bistro Mousse Cafe, 2522 rue Beaubien Est, show starts at 9pm, donations

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Psyn Langwage

PsynLangwage is a revolution in the Montreal Hip-Hop scene.

STORY: Three brothers (DaDestroya, Negrosapien and HemmRage) fed up with the direction that Hip-Hop music was taking, decided to band together and destroy everything in their path.

When people hear about Hip-Hop, they come to expect talk of jewelery, guns and other cheap tricks. PsynLangwage is here to change that. They mix Comedy, Crowd Participation and Paper Bag Heads to bring performing back to the art form.

Tired of bling-music? Do you want Change? Ready to put that bag over your head?

We think you’re ready to PSYN UP!


Saturday, June 19th, 4pm, 3 Minots, 3812 boul St-Laurent and Friday, June 25th w/Sunshine, Blood Ballet Cabaret, All Tales Tall and more at Barfly, 4062A boul St-Laurent, show starts at 9pm, PAY-WHAT-YOU-CAN

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Rebecca Anne Banks

Rebecca Anne BanksRebecca Anne Banks is a Poet/Writer/Composer /Musician/Singer/Artist/Philosopher who has written poetry since 1981. She is launching her second CD: The Madrigal on iTunes this Spring. Currently, she is writing her 4th book of poetry Radio Storms and is largely self-published at Tea @ Tympani Lane Records. At home in Montreal, she performs at various venues and in the Metro stoneworks amongst the blue and quiet . . .

In English, Friday, June 25th as part of the infringement spoken-word show with Robusquet and Peter Green, show starts at 7pm at the xpression Gallery, 5334 de Gaspé, suite 308

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Sex, Drugs & Poker

Chantal and Sonny are a couple of forty-something aging cocaine addicts and grifters deeply in debt to a loan shark. Tonight they are planning on cheating a high stakes poker  game to help pay off their debt. But neither Chantal or Sonny is quite as smart as they think they are….

In English, Friday, June 25th 9-10pm, Saturday, June 26th, 7-10pm, a new show every 30 minutes, call 514-699-3378 to reserve and for info. Also running Sunday, June 27th as part of Car Stories

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Sunshine is an acoustic Duo from Brooklyn NY, show-casing the songwriting of Steven Ferrara.   The group features the voices of Amy Santos and Steven as heard on the single, “At least it’s you”, from Sunshine’s second album, Equal Halves Coincide. Amy’s bass guitar complements Steven’s lead guitar work, creating instrumental interludes that seamlessly float between their vocal harmonies.  The duo is often joined by Ted Pallas on drums, guitar, and mandolin and the Reverend Crawford Forbes on piano and trumpet.  Sunshine’s new single Dry Eyed Tampa will be available at the show.

For more: sunshinenights.com

In English, Friday, June 25th w/Psyn Langwage and more at Barfly, 4062A St-Laurent, show starts at 9pm

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USINE 106U is happy to convey you the opening of the spectacular exhibition VACCINATION presenting the artwork of 29 visual artists: Mark Prent, Eric Braün, Xavier Landry, Adeline Lamarre, Mimi Traillette, Yves Milet-Desfougères, Daniel Erban , Sweet Grognasse, Majka Kwiatowska, Winky, Scott Ferry, Margotella, Ashley West, CadO, Miguel La Bicicleta, Fabesko, Dominique Cantin, Bubzee Feller, Claude Bolduc, China Marsot-Wood, Paul Gratton, Veronica Michelle, Mary Lou Freel, Jean-Francois Labelle, Alexandra Guérin, Ginette Bouchard, Maxime Portugais, Kristen Steinwachs and Florent Veilleux. Hallucinogenic paintings, pop-art silkscreens, disquieting kinetic sculptures, erotic etchings, original drawings, trash plush toys, surrealist jewelry other fascinating curiosities will massively take over the space.

Usine 106U, 160 Roy Est, opening hours are Saturday to Wednesday noon to 6hPM , Thursday & Friday from noon to 9pm

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