Visual Arts/Arts Visuel

Docteur Prout

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Présentation sous forme de performance d’une machine à “ne rien faire”: le not’il prout : surmarin flottant à gratter les nuages bas”! Steempunk, absurde, poétique, philosophique
pour touts ages, 30 pers max,en français.

Fresh Paint Gallery
June 20th, 5-7

Dumpster Dive Art Drive

Visual arts exhibition presented in an alleyway.
Artists will show up on the fly to present pieces made with found/used/discarded objects.

Alleyway behind the Biftek(3702 Blvd St. Laurent)
June 17, 5-8pm

Laurence Tenenbaum

An activist who doesn’t always agree with the flavour of the month, Laurence Tenenbaum has been Terrorizing the spoken-word scene in Montreal and elsewhere since the mid ’90s. Ever the artist, he paints as well, in assorted and sometimes mixed media.

June 21st, 5-7 pm

The New Smoke N’ Mirrors Show

Smoke N’ Mirrors is a multimedia arts show designed to challenge people’s perceptions and open up third eyes! A gathering for open minded and politically aware people who enjoy performance based art forms as well as video projections. Celebrating alternative and independent media and research, SnM attempts to break down the illusions created by the mainstream media and uncover the process of social engineering.

Fresh Paint Gallery
June 20th, 9pm
$5 Suggested Donation/Pay-What-You-Can



June 21, 5-7

Artist-Painter Alexandra Cuellar

Alexandra Cuellar is an artiste whom is fierce she is interrested in all forms of expressions in the arts, she looks for art at its crude for wich comes from her guts instinct.She says thats art is a life choice.

June 21, 5-7pm


My work is the fruit of my tree.All gesture born in intention. All intention born in love. For me to work, I must remove my mind from its churning orbit. I work from within, my body is the negotiator of my movement, my forgotten dance that is my own creative voice. Symbol, color and movement. These are the driving forces of the work. Born in abstraction, forms emerge to tell a story. Painting and Spoken Word By Evaly.

June 21, 5-7

Sang Eun Lee

I paint because it lets me simply be. In this state of being, I have the freedom to let my intuition roam into the painting’s territory. Because being the painter of my chosen surface does not grant me sole conviction or authority over its fate. I can’t ever plan a painting into being, because to me, painting is, by being a form of pure expression, defined by the very search for it that makes up the process of painting. This process involves a dialogue between the progressive build up of paint marks as they meet the surface of the painting, and how the surface responds to these marks. The surface proposes what should come next and I negotiate with it until a painting is created.

The combination of color, texture and movement make up the identity of my paintings. What they emote comes from my intuition, so the energy is raw, complex and baroque. My paintings evoke drama, and it’s inevitable, since it comes from the most unhindered, ungovernable place inside of me. I see humanity as mysterious, wavering, unpredictable and beautiful, and I suppose that is ultimately what I want to share with my paintings.

June 21, 5-7
Obsessed4Life Blog

The USINE 106U Vernissage with Alex Cuellar and friends

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L’USINE 106U est une galerie d’art autogérée spécialisée dans la figuration hors-normes. Présentant chaque mois des expositions collectives d’une trentaine d’artistes, son mandat est d’abolir les barrières entre les artistes et le public, qu’elles soient hiérarchiques, intellectuelles ou monétaires.

June 21, 5-8pm
160 Roy Street